The many social and economic benefits of grouse shooting

Yorkshire Dales Moorland Group

The grouse shooting season is well under way here in Yorkshire and its the culmination of another years hard work by so many individuals. Shooting a harvestable surplus of grouse is by no means a predictable business so when numbers are favourable its a real fillip not only for the lucky trigger pullers but also for a whole raft of local people and businesses involved in the moorland economy.

Here in the Dales the 2022 breeding season has been largely fruitful which is a relief after two or three years of moderate or poor results. Some moors are still having to conserve stocks this season due to past heather beetle damage. Every year calculations are made to evaluate how many birds can and in some cases need to be shot to maintain a healthy population. Grouse productivity is the key driver that underpins all the investment in moor management and this in turn yields all the other conservation successes. No grouse, no income. Prolonged periods of no income means no maintenance and no gamekeeping. If this happens the first casualties are the heather clad moors, the wider habitat and the diverse array of red listed species.

Thank fully this year there are opportunities to get out on the moor and enjoy the abundant grouse numbers. These images are a celebration of a shoot day and profile the benefits not only the economic ones but also the social element and the well being enjoyed by those involved.

Happy Glorious days!


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